Transparency in Supply Chains Act (Civil Code Section 1714.43) Disclosure Statement

Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. prohibits any form of forced labor, including human trafficking and slavery. This is a zero-tolerance issue. Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc., will not do business with a supplier or contractor known to Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc., to be involved with forced labor, including human trafficking and/or slavery.

Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. makes the following disclosures with respect to Civil Code Section 1714.43:

1. Verification:
Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. does not engage in verification of product supply chains to evaluate risks of human trafficking and slavery. However, in the event Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. should become aware that a supplier is involved with forced labor, including human trafficking and slavery, Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. will terminate the business relationship.

2. Audits:

Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. does not conduct audits of suppliers to evaluate supplier compliance with company standards for trafficking and slavery in supply chains.

3. Certification:

Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. does not require its direct suppliers to sign a statement that certifies the materials incorporated into their products comply with slavery and human trafficking laws in the country or countries in which they do business.

4. Accountability:
Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. prohibits any form of forced labor, including slavery and human trafficking. This is a zero-tolerance issue. If it is discovered that a company employee or contractor is involved in such actions, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

5. Training:
Rizo Lopez Foods, Inc. does not provide employees and management with training on human trafficking and slavery. However, Rizo Lopez Food, Inc. prohibits any form of forced labor, including slavery and human trafficking. This is a zero-tolerance issue. If it is discovered that a company employee is involved in such actions or is aware that a supplier is involved in such actions and does not bring this issue to management’s attention, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.